Friday, September 18, 2009

Update Sept 18 -2009 Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Eat Stop Eat is designed by Brad Pilon, a professional diet specialist in fasting and in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also receives a honours degree in nutrition and pursues graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. The Eat Stop Eat is a simple yet highly effective way to lose weight that while preserving your lean muscle and metabolism. It aims is to focus on short term fasting by increasing the activity of fat burning enzymes and your metabolism instead of slowing it down.We provide you with information of Pro and Con opinions from health experts. It is up to you to just the program yourself. If you think the program is suitable to you, please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Eat Stop Eat
By M Braziel Platinum Quality Author

Eat Stop Eat is an intermittent fasting diet. What's intermittent fasting? It's when you eat normal for a period of time and then fast for a period of time.

Eat Stop Eat takes a simple approach to dieting. There is no calorie counting or other gimmick where you have to write down the foods that you eat and when you eat them. This diet plan follows the mentality that the more restrictive the diet, the more likely you are to fail. This is true for a lot of people. Most people just don't have the discipline to write down every single thing that they eat at every exact time.

The basic principle of weight loss, as Eat Stop Eat reiterates, is creating a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter where the calories come from as long as you keep them under the set amount that you need to consume to lose weight. So basically, you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within a certain limit.

Eat Stop Eat debunks the myth that not eating every few hours will cause you to lose muscle. This should be a given, seeing as how the traditional style of eating was once only three times a day. Though muscle growth is largely dependant on protein, skipping a meal or two won't lead to muscle loss.

Eat Stop Eat has recently become one of the best selling diets on the internet. With such a relaxed approach to dieting, it's no surprise why. They even have separate sections for men and women. Whether you're young or old, this diet plan could be the right diet solution for you.

If you enjoyed this article, you should check out my website, Weight Loss Help Shop. It's filled with great information to get you started on your way to weight loss success. The Weight Loss Help Shop article base harbors a bunch of articles about the different methods of dieting. It's 100% free, so you have nothing to lose.

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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Weight Loss - Three Tips For Success With With Eat Stop Eat
By Julia Denham Platinum Quality Author

Weight loss is a real challenge for many people. If you find that you're losing weight, and putting it on again quickly, you're a yo-yo dieter, and you could be damaging your metabolism. The intermittent fasting program Eat Step Eat may be able to help.

Let's look at three tips for success with the program.

1. Use a Weight Loss Journal to Track Changes in Your Life

Are you using a weight loss journal? If you're not, start using one today. You can keep your journal in a paper notebook, or on your computer. Track what you eat and drink, and also your moods.

Tracking your moods is essential; it may show that you're a comfort eater. Once you know that you reach for food when you're stressed, you can develop strategies to deal with that.

Your journal is especially helpful with the Eat Stop Eat program. Weigh yourself once a week, and make a note of it in your journal. If you're exercising, you may actually gain a little weight, but don't be concerned: muscle weighs more than fat. When you're tracking your weight, you'll soon see that although you gain a couple of pounds in a week, you'll lose it in a couple of weeks when your metabolism catches up.

2. Drink Green Tea on Your Fasting Days

Green tea is great for your health, and it's a brilliant weight loss helper too, because it helps to suppress your appetite.

Generally, on your fasting days, you'll find that you have few hunger pangs. However, you may feel slightly edgy at your normal meal times, and drinking green tea will help with that.

3. Plan Your Fasting Days: Keep Busy

Here's an excellent strategy for your fasting days: keep busy. Ensure that you fast on a workday, and use the extra boost of energy which fasting gives you to catch up on work.

Yo-yo dieters are finding great success with the Eat Stop Eat program. You may find that it helps you to lose weight too, even if you've tried many diets before.

Have you discovered the latest dieting sensation? The Eat Stop Eat dieting plan has been helping happy dieters to shed weight quickly and safely. Strictly speaking, Eat Stop Eat is not a diet -- it's a whole new, healthy way of managing weight loss using intermittent fasting. Try it today, and watch those pounds vanish. Nutritionist Julia Denham recommends Eat Stop Eat to her clients: read a review at

Want on-going dieting help? Julia's 30 Day Slimmer Blog at gives you inspiration, motivation, and lots of tips for your weight lost journey.

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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Review of Eat Stop Eat
By Harvey Roquemore Platinum Quality Author

Eat Stop Eat is a weight loss program which involves fasting as well as weight training in your diet. The author of this program is Brad Pilon who has been a professional in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also accomplished achieving a honors degree in nutrition and pursued graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. With that in mind it seems he knows what he is talking about it. A scam you ask? Could be however doesn't seem likely just by going off his background record alone.

Eat Stop Eat involves intermittent fasting and weight training as the primary methods to lose weight effectively, quickly, and easier. This is not a starvation mode type diet either. It focuses on short term fasting to increase the activity of fat burning enzymes thus increasing your metabolism instead of slowing it down. He has made this book full of knowledge from his nutrition experience and scientific research. As with any other weight loss program do not expect to lose weight to your desired weight in a month. It takes time. You must have the will and desire to lose weight and that is with any diet programs out there.

There are a decent number of testimonials shown on his website however it actually looks like a REAL before and after set of pictures for a change. As you will be able to see in the testimonials it did take some time for them to achieve their desired weight. He also has a blog which is updated often and people can come to post comments or ask questions as well as reading information regarding his products and tips.

To learn more about Eat Stop Eat and put an end to your weight loss problems please visit

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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

How Many Calories Should you Eat per Day to Lose Weight
John Barban Platinum Quality Author

How much weight you can lose is dependant on your ability to reduce the amount of calories you eat over a long period of time. It doesn’t matter if you eat a little more today and a little less tomorrow. For weight loss, you need to think in terms of weeks and months rather than hours and days.

The only thing that matters is how many days you can eat less calories than you need to maintain your current weight vs how many days that you eat enough or more calories than you need to maintain your current weight.

This is how to picture eating for weight loss over a week;

Lets say you need to eat 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight. (and lets also assume you want to be lighter than this weight)

Lets also assume you want to lose half a pound of fat this week. A half pound of fat contains about 1750 calories.

By the end of this week you would need to have eaten 1750 calories less than the amount of calories that keep you at your current bodyweight.

It doesn’t matter at all how you get to this deficit. It just matters that by the end of the week you have eaten less food than you needed to stay the same weight. That’s it.

The real trick is finding a way to do this consistently. Most popular diets give you a set of rules to follow every day, every time you eat, taking all the fun and spontaneity out of eating. These diets are doomed to fail because they are too restrictive. Food is fun, and social, and nobody wants to be told they can’t eat their favorite foods or that they can’t go out and eat when everyone else is and enjoy the same foods and not feel guilty about it.

So back to the original question: how many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?

Answer: It doesn’t matter, and it is too difficult to monitor how much food you eat on daily basis. Instead set your goal to be less food over a week, not a day. This will take the guilt away on days when you go out and eat socially, or just want to have some ice cream and burgers. So the new question is this; How do you do this? And I think I have the answer.

I have recently been exposed to a new style of nutrition that is the easiest way to achieve a weekly caloric deficit that produces lasting weight loss and does not restrict any of the foods I like to eat or when I can eat them! This new program is called Eat Stop Eat, and frankly it’s so obvious it was almost embarrassing that I never managed to think of this on my own years ago. The basic concept is short term intermittent Fasting!

Yes that’s right Fasting! The concept blew me away when I first heard it. And then it started to make so much more sense as I read into the research with the help of the author of the book Brad Pilon. And the big difference with this style of nutrition is that it is flexible, sustainable AND effective.

Short term fasting is a scientifically sound and effective approach to weight loss. I have researched and tried every other popular diet and come to the conclusion that they are all flawed because they are too restrictive. Intermittent fasting allows you to eat whatever you like on your “eating” days, and it also allows you to choose when your ‘eating days’ are. Mix in a few ‘fasting’ days and you end up eating what you like, when you like, as well as losing weight. This could be the new diet revolution that actually works!

Learn how easy it is to fast for weight loss with the revolutionary new program at

John Barban has his masters degree in human nutrition and is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Varsity Strength and Conditioning Coach. His trademarked Circuit Training Workouts have helped thousands of women with weight loss and fat burning.

You can ask John a question about fasting for weight loss, or exercising at

Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Update Sept 05 -2009 Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Eat Stop Eat is designed by Brad Pilon, a professional diet specialist in fasting and in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also receives a honours degree in nutrition and pursues graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. The Eat Stop Eat is a simple yet highly effective way to lose weight that while preserving your lean muscle and metabolism. It aims is to focus on short term fasting by increasing the activity of fat burning enzymes and your metabolism instead of slowing it down.We provide you with information of Pro and Con opinions from health experts. It is up to you to just the program yourself. If you think the program is suitable to you, please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

How to Make Your Body the Most Attractive to Women
By John Barban Platinum Quality Author

You are I are both social beings. All people are. It's in our nature. How boring would life be if you were the only person on the planet. It would suck.

Social interaction can also just be called attention...the attention we get from other people and the attention we give other people.

So in reality we're just seeking more attention from other people. And the type of person we can get attention from greatly changes the quality and intensity of that attention. And I'm assuming you want attention from beautiful women, because really what guy doesn't?

For example, imagine what it would feel like being the center of attention in a room full of swimsuit models who were hanging on every word you say,

Now sub out the swimsuit models and sub in a bunch of bratty kids you were asked to baby sit for an hour.

In both cases you are just in a room of people interacting, but in one case the quality of the attention is much more interesting to you, namely the swimsuit models.

So how do you go about getting into the room of swimsuit models instead of being the chump who is taking care of his buddy's kids?

You have to offer them a kind of attention they want just as much as you want their attention. In other words you better be a swimsuit caliber model right back to them.

That means getting in shape, and getting in the right kind of shape.

You don't need to be some over bloated bodybuilder or take drugs, or live your life in a gym. You just need a sensible workout program that gets you targeted results for a body that gets you the attention you want.

Believe it or not this stuff has been researched and proven to work. There is a perfect shape you should be striving for with your body and the closer you get to it the more attention you can get from the kinds of women you want.

If your interested at all in improving the look of your body (and you should be) and your ability to attract better attention (and better women) then your workout goal should be to improve your adonis index ratio. <-- What is this?

Your Adonis Index ratio is the the ratio of your waist to your shoulders, and you have a specific sweet spot that will make your body looks it's best. Something like Brad Pitt in fight club, or Daniel Craig as James Bond are good examples of men with a good adonis index ratio.

These are the types of proportions that women resonate with and that you should be striving for at the gym.

Go to the gym with a purpose, get in and out quickly and get on with the rest of your life. Improving your Adonis Index Ratio should always be your goal.

John Barban is the Author of The Adonis Effect, a trademarked workout for building the best proportioned body for men.

He is also the editor of the trademarked book on fasting for weight loss called Eat Stop Eat, learn more at

Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

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