Eat Stop Eat is designed by Brad Pilon, a professional diet specialist in fasting and in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also receives a honours degree in nutrition and pursues graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. The Eat Stop Eat is a simple yet highly effective way to lose weight that while preserving your lean muscle and metabolism. It aims is to focus on short term fasting by increasing the activity of fat burning enzymes and your metabolism instead of slowing it down.We provide you with information of Pro and Con opinions from health experts. It is up to you to just the program yourself. If you think the program is suitable to you, please consult with your doctor before applying.
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Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
Eat Stop Eat Testimonials - What Can You Learn From Them?

The Eat Stop Eat program by nutritionist Brad Pilon is a controversial weight loss plan which nonetheless has become very popular. The program prescribes what is called 'flexible fasting' in which you fast 1-2 days every week. This allows you to eat freely during the other days as long as you also engage in intensive strength exercises.
Brad Pilon states that the research he conducted during his long career as a nutritionist has shown that this flexible fasting process helps you to boost your metabolism and burn more fat faster.
Naturally, it isn't so easy to fast and this is something that not all Eat Stop Eat testomonials mention. You may find it a bit challenging to stick to this program at first. For someone who's used to eat every day, it does take some getting used to.
However, other testimonials of Eat Stop Eat, made by experts and past users alike, speak highly of the program and the results you can get with it. People do lose weight with this program. Some people find it to be a solution when many other diets have failed. The program does have merit.
Naturally, it will not work for everyone. No program does. And you have to make sure before you begin that you're up to the challenge of fasting one day each week, that you have the social support for it, and that you have the time and energy and commitment to engage in strength exercises.
This is a point worth emphasizing: usually the fasting aspect of Eat Stop Eat is all that's talked about. However, without strength training it will not work so don't bother unless you're up for it.
Another good thing about this program is that it can help you reduce cravings and control overeating because one of the effects of fasting is a greater control over your entire eating so this is also something you should consider.
Overall, Eat Stop Eat has good reviews and many past happy users, men and women both. You just need to decide whether you believe it's for you.
Visit Eat Stop Eat Reviews to read more about this program.
To see how you can stop overeating and cravings visit
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
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Recommended Reading
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

What is the Eat Stop Eat diet plan and does it work? Brad Pilon, the author of the ebook and the brains behind the Eat Stop Eat diet plan. He is a nutritionist and a former body builder. The Eat Stop Eat diet plan focuses on flexible periods of intermittent fasting that last one day followed by strength training exercise.
The ebook, along with having the information about the ESE diet and how it works has a bunch of other useful information when it comes to weight loss. As well as scientific research to back up the workings behind the ESE diet. When people thing about fasting they think of unhealthy situations and not eating for days at a time. This is not the case. The small intervals of fasting actually increase the rate at which your fat-burning enzymes work. Coupled with the strength training, this speeds up the rate at which you lose weight.
Although there are tremendous benefits to this diet plan, for some people it may be a struggle. Since the fasting days are flexible you get to choose what day or what two days of the week you get to fast. This may leave some people skimping on the process of the diet and going back to regular eating habits. Also, the user will have to get used to the fasting process.
When it comes to other diets, they force you to cut calories drastically, which can leave you feeling sick and sluggish. It's also impossible to do any sort of exercise because of how few calories you are able consume when you're on these diets. They are often rapid weight loss diets that don't allow for any long-term effects and what's more is that when you get off of them the potential to gain all that weight back is enormous. They just don't work and also, most of the weight you lose is water weight anyways. Eat Stop Eat burns fat off of your body, allows you to exercise during and can be used long-term.
So now to answer your question, does it work? Yes it does. The main disadvantages are the fasting and constant working out.
If you don't like the idea of starving yourself or cant exercise constantly you may want to look into diet that provides for healthy eating not fasting and a plan that is strict enough to allow you to lose weight without having to exercise so vigorously.
Want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days but cant afford a personal trainer or nutritionist but still need step by step help? See before and after pictures and stories of how Phil and others did it at The Idiot Proof Diet
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Recommended ReadingEat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
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