Monday, August 24, 2009

Update August 24 -2009 Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Eat Stop Eat is designed by Brad Pilon, a professional diet specialist in fasting and in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also receives a honours degree in nutrition and pursues graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. The Eat Stop Eat is a simple yet highly effective way to lose weight that while preserving your lean muscle and metabolism. It aims is to focus on short term fasting by increasing the activity of fat burning enzymes and your metabolism instead of slowing it down.We provide you with information of Pro and Con opinions from health experts. It is up to you to just the program yourself. If you think the program is suitable to you, please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Eat Stop Eat - Is This Weight-Loss Program For You?
By David Stroud Platinum Quality Author

The Eat Stop Eat program is one way to lose weight, but only if a program suits your wishes and goals you can have optimal results. That's why it's very important to find out, whether the program is the right choice for you or not. Here is a short Eat Stop Eat review about what kind of person the program is best suited for.

In a nutshell Eat Stop Eat combines short period fasting that you do once ot twice a week with some easy weight-lifting sessions. While the intermittent fasting helps your body to burn calories, the short weight-lifting sessions make sure your muscle mass remains stable.

When you Shouldn't Try Eat Stop Eat...

The Eat Stop Eat program is not a diet and fitness program that helps you to build more muscles or become a bodybuilder. Although the weight-lifting sessions make sure you don't lose muscle mass, this is for people who want to lose weight without changing their life too much.

Fasting let's you lose weight, but too much fasting is not only counterproductive, it's bad for your body. If you know beforehand that you will overdo it in order to lose weight even faster, Eat Stop Eat might not be the best choice.

...And When You Should

If your goal is to lose weight without strict diet plans that tell you exactly what to eat, Eat Stop Eat has an advantage over other weight-loss programs: Whenever you are not fasting you can basically eat your favorite food. There's no such thing like "food you are allowed to eat" or a list of food you have to pass on.

The weight lifting sessions are quite short and there is no workout training to make you sweat. While the sessions are necessary they are not a big deal and you don't have to go to the gym, not even leave your home

My Bottom Line

In my opinion, Eat Stop Eat is the perfect weight loss program if you want concrete results without spending too much effort. You don't have to eat food you don't like or pass on your favorite meal.

If you are still unsure about Eat Stop Eat and want a more comprehensive review that goes more into detail of how it works, feel free to click here and read my complete review now.

Give Eat Stop Eat a try: I'm sure you will love it and achieve all of your goals. If you don't like it you can stop anytime. But remember: The first step is always the catchiest but losing weight is easy once you have made your decision!

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