Eat Stop Eat is designed by Brad Pilon, a professional diet specialist in fasting and in the nutritional supplement industry over seven years. He also receives a honours degree in nutrition and pursues graduate studies in human biology and nutritional science. The Eat Stop Eat is a simple yet highly effective way to lose weight that while preserving your lean muscle and metabolism. It aims is to focus on short term fasting by increasing the activity of fat burning enzymes and your metabolism instead of slowing it down.We provide you with information of Pro and Con opinions from health experts. It is up to you to just the program yourself. If you think the program is suitable to you, please consult with your doctor before applying.
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Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
Eat Stop Eat - Flexible Intermittent Fasting Program

One of the most interesting weight loss methods I've encountered recently revolves around flexible intermittent fasting. It was created by Brad Pilon. The entire system which Brad, a nutritionist and experienced trainer, has developed is called Eat Stop Eat and the supposition at its foundation is that you can eat relatively freely on most days of the week as long as you fast on one or two of them, and incorporate physical activity, most weight training, in your routine.
After I read the Eat Stop Eat manual (amazing how much information can be entered into something just 78 pages long), I knew that this was a method which was on the border of revolutionary. As someone who deals in diet and fitness issues, and educates people, I teach that fasting is usually bad for you. In fact, it can be beneficial as a cleansing process every few months, but used too often, it can slow your metabolism down.
Here was Brad Pilon, in his Eat Stop Eat book, preaching to fast regularly as a way of life. I actually corresponded with Brad a few times just to make sure I got his system down right.
First of all, you should know that Brad is a respected nutritionist and researcher. His belief in flexible, intermittent, fasting is based on research that he himself conducted, so it's not some unfounded theory.
Second, what Brad discovered was that our metabolism doesn't slow down that much if we limit our fasting period to 24 hours or so. What this fasting does is help our body to cleanse itself, and it creates an immediate calorie deficit (which is necessary for any kind of weight loss). Putting these 2 together helps us lose weight faster and also improves our health.
By combining weight training, we ensure an increased muscle tissue which in turn maintains a high metabolic rate. So, by using flexible intermittent fasting and weight training you can actually get leaner faster than ever before.
To read more about this topic, visit this webpage:
Intermittent Flexible Fasting Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Eat Stop Eat Review
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Recommended Reading
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Eat Stop Eat is a weight loss and fitness program created by nutritionist and researcher Brad Pilon. It started out as a pretty obscure plan but soon gained prominence and exposure as more fitness professionals began giving it positive reviews, more customer testimonials came pouring in, and Brad Pilon appeared on TV to answer questions about this program and to clarify what it is.
The sad thing is that with the weight loss industry being what it is, people are still doubtful and wonder whether Eat Stop Eat is a scam.
The truth is simple: Eat Stop Eat isn't a scam. It's a program which was created by a professional and based on years of extensive research and experience. However, that doesn't mean that it's a solution for every single person. Like any other program on the face of the Earth, it will not work for some. However, it does provide results for many men and women. Furthermore, Brad Pilon offers a 60 day guarantee so you can feel secure in using his program knowing that unless you get true results, your money shall be returned to you.
Eat Stop Eat is a bit controversial. The plan requires intermittent fasting. What this means is that you need to go one a liquid fast for one day each week. At first, this isn't such an easy thing, but you will soon get used to it. The fasting has several benefits: it cleanses the body, it helps to give you a slight metabolic boost, and it increases energy levels and clarity.
Other than that, the eating plan is very loose and free. You can basically eat whatever you want on those other days (with moderation, of course).
I believe that Eat Stop Eat is a viable program which can help you to lose weight. I believe that it's worth a try.
To read more about this program, visit this webpage: Eat Stop Eat Reviews.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read about John Davenport's unique method of stopping emotional eating, go here: Overcome Emotional Eating Fast.
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Recommended ReadingEat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
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