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Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
Should I Stop Eating to Lose Weight?
By Kai Lo

I looked around the internet and saw a lot of people ask this question, "Should I stop eating to lose weight?" Why do people think that if they stop eating, then that would help to lose weight? That is far from the truth. The simple answer to that question is no.
When you starve yourself to death, your metabolism will stop. When your metabolism stops, you will not burn any calories at all. When you don't burn any calories, then you will not lose any weight. Your body is trying to hold on to as much fat as possible to save you from dying. It wants to use the fat for energy to fuel your body so it can continue to function.
What should you do then? You should always start your morning off with a healthy breakfast. I start my day off with oatmeal and fat-free milk. This will give your metabolism a boost early in the day to start burning calories.
Throughout the day, you must eat about every 2-3 hours. They do not have to be huge meals. It could be as simple as finding a fruit to eat. Just don't starve yourself or else your metabolism will stop. While eating every 2-3 hours might not always work, always try to aim for a quick healthy snack if possible.
The fastest way to lose weight is to speed up your metabolism as fast as possible. Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough rest. There is no quick fix to healthy and natural way to lose weight other than to do it slowly.
I have helped many friends lose weight successfully without the use of expensive supplements or drugs. I like to help people get in shape for free. Get my FREE natural weight loss report so you can start losing weight naturally: Weight Loss Report
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Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
Does the Eat Stop Eat Diet Really Work?
By John Davenport
Recently, the Eat Stop Eat diet plan by Brad Pilon has been getting a lot of attention and media coverage. Brad Pilon even appeared on FOX and explained the concept of the Eat Stop Eat nutrition plan. Indeed, this plan is something which sounds a bit far fetched, yet more and more people are flocking to it as positive reviews of Eat Stop Eat are becoming more common.
Does Eat Stop Eat really work and if so, how?
Before we dive into that question I want to give a quick rundown of what this plan is all about:
Eat Stop Eat is an eating plan based on intermittent fasting. What this means is that every week you fast for a single day. It's not a complete fast. You can drink various fluids, but you avoid solid foods. This may seem a bit harsh but on the other days you get to eat a lot more freely than on other weight loss plans. You're basically sacrificing one day for 6 days of freedom. This makes the Eat Stop Eat plan an easy to do and to stick to weight loss program.
Even though you may think that fasting for even 1 day is terrible, know that you can quickly get used to it. The key is that you allow your body time to cleanse itself, create a calorie deficit, and even, according to Brad Pilon's research, achieve a small boost in metabolism. All this helps you to shed pounds very fast.
The endorsements this program gets from fitness professionals and the high acclaim it enjoys among the people who use it make it very clear that Eat Stop Eat does work. It requires determination and commitment on your part. And it's not a quick fix program but will provide you with gradual improvement.
If you're looking for a weight loss plan that's a bit different and produces results, Eat Stop Eat is a good bet.
I've included 2 resources here which will help you on your way. Make sure to visit both pages. To read about more about this program, visit this webpage:
Eat Stop Eat Reviews.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To get a free course on how to overcome emotional eating, click here:
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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment
Eat Stop Eat - Flexible Intermittent Fasting Program
By John Davenport
One of the most interesting weight loss methods I've encountered recently revolves around flexible intermittent fasting. It was created by Brad Pilon. The entire system which Brad, a nutritionist and experienced trainer, has developed is called Eat Stop Eat and the supposition at its foundation is that you can eat relatively freely on most days of the week as long as you fast on one or two of them, and incorporate physical activity, most weight training, in your routine.
After I read the Eat Stop Eat manual (amazing how much information can be entered into something just 78 pages long), I knew that this was a method which was on the border of revolutionary. As someone who deals in diet and fitness issues, and educates people, I teach that fasting is usually bad for you. In fact, it can be beneficial as a cleansing process every few months, but used too often, it can slow your metabolism down.
Here was Brad Pilon, in his Eat Stop Eat book, preaching to fast regularly as a way of life. I actually corresponded with Brad a few times just to make sure I got his system down right.
First of all, you should know that Brad is a respected nutritionist and researcher. His belief in flexible, intermittent, fasting is based on research that he himself conducted, so it's not some unfounded theory.
Second, what Brad discovered was that our metabolism doesn't slow down that much if we limit our fasting period to 24 hours or so. What this fasting does is help our body to cleanse itself, and it creates an immediate calorie deficit (which is necessary for any kind of weight loss). Putting these 2 together helps us lose weight faster and also improves our health.
By combining weight training, we ensure an increased muscle tissue which in turn maintains a high metabolic rate. So, by using flexible intermittent fasting and weight training you can actually get leaner faster than ever before.
To read more about this topic, visit this webpage:
Intermittent Flexible Fasting Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Eat Stop Eat Review