Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Addicted to Chocolate? How to Stop Eating Chocolate
By Kelly Aziz Platinum Quality Author

Do you feel like you are addicted to chocolate? Some people have strong cravings for chocolate and feel the need to eat it daily and frequently. You can stop eating chocolate without issue but first you must understand that chocolate is addictive. Chocolate is addictive in two ways. It is physically addictive and emotionally addictive.

Physical Addiction

Chocolate Targets The Same Spot In Your Brain As Heroin

Chocolate is an addictive substance - many of us know this but we still feel weak and guilty because we can't give it up. Hopefully the information below will allow you to see that it isn't as simple as it first appears.

Chocolate targets the same spot on your brain as heroin and morphine. Although chocolate doesn't affect you as strongly as heroin, it still affects your brain and you can still become addictive as you may well know.

On top of having opiate properties, chocolate also contains caffeine, theobromine (a strong stimulant similar to caffeine that affects the nervous system, particularly the heart), phenylethylaminphy (an amphetamine-like substance) and also traces of compounds similar to THC (the active ingredient in Marijuana).

So as you can see chocolate is full of addictive properties. But chocolate also contains sugar, milk and dairy products which also have highly addictive properties.

The best way to overcome these issues is to quit cold turkey but also to make it easy to quit cold turkey, you need to nourish your body properly. When you eat healthily and the right food you will not have intense cravings.

Chocolate can also, of course, be emotionally addictive. Like many other foods, chocolate is frequently used to comfort us.

Emotional Addiction

Emotional addiction to chocolate involves using chocolate in times of stress, boredom, depression and to cope with life.

To determine whether you are an emotional eater do you do any of the following 5 things:

1. Crave specific foods - usually junk foods.

2. Have hunger that coincides with an upsetting emotion/event.

3. Have hunger that comes on suddenly and you feel a need to address it ASAP.
True hunger can wait until you are able to get food. It is patient. Emotional eating involves an intense desire to fulfil the hunger right then and there even if it means going out of your way to get something and that something is usually specific.

4. Have eating that is very automatic and you don't realize you are doing it.

5. You keep eating even when you are full.
You can satisfy your true hunger without overfilling. Emotional hunger however never really feels satisfied so you end up eating after you are full and ready to pop.

If you still are unsure, take a few days to observe yourself and write down what triggers your cravings for chocolate. If they are related to stress or emotion, then you know you have some emotional eating tendencies at the very least!

The best way to deal with emotional eating is:

1. Become aware - by doing the observation task above you will know what your craving triggers are.

2. Learn to do something else to unwind instead of eating - To help you do this you can spend time writing a list. Sometimes having time alone to simply feel the emotions is all you need, other times you may feel a walk is more helpful to you. If you find that you are bored in the evenings and this is a time you will eat the most, then being creative or being active will better suit you. Write a list of things you have always wanted to do or activities that will satisfy your creativity. Make your lists specific to the emotions that trigger you chocolate cravings.

3. Get support - sometimes its simply not enough to work on it yourself and you may need someone to talk through your feelings to stop you reaching for food. Try to find someone supportive. Alternatively a great website for emotional eating which also has a forum is also has lots of useful articles on emotional eating and offers a great 12 week intensive emotional eating program if you find you can't cope alone.

For more information about this program Emotional Eating Program.

Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed "Free to Eat" Combat Your Cravings Ebook that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit: Addicted to Chocolate

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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

How to Stop Eating
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

If you ever find yourself beginning to eat and then discover that you don't understand how you've eaten so much, you've come to the right article. If you want to learn how to stop eating too much food, then read this article through to the end.

The first step to stop overeating is to realize where your hunger is really coming from. The truth is that we can't avoid eating entirely. We need food to function, and trying to stop eating can lead to various eating disorders such as anorexia. So, you need to find a balance in which you eat the amount that you really need. The truth is that you are likely eating not to feed your physical hunger but your emotional one.

Every one of us is an emotional eater to a certain extent. Some of us eat out of boredom, others when they're stressed. The next time you feel a craving you need to stop eating for a moment and consider whether or not you're really hungry physically or using food as a source of comfort for some reason.

The second step you can take to stop from eating too much food is to write down what you eat in a food journal. This will help you get a clear picture of what you eat, at what time of day you do so, and how much you eat. Getting this kind of clear picture is an excellent way to get more control over your eating habits and learn how to end overeating.

The third step you need to take is deal with what is causing you to turn to food as comfort. Again, it can be any kind of emotion, it's a personal thing. Once you identify the emotions that are turning you to food, you'll be able to deal with them and stop eating too much food.

I've included 2 resources here which will help you on your way. Make sure to visit both pages. To To get a free course on how to overcome emotional eating, click here: Stop Eating Too Much

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To get more tips on how to stop overeating, click here: Overcome Compulsive Overeating.

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Recommended Program
Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Weight Loss - The Best Way to Lose Weight If You've Tried and Failed
By Julia Denham Platinum Quality Author

Are you a yo-yo dieter? If you've lost weight and regained it again in a very short time, it's easy to believe that it's impossible for you to lose weight permanently. However, don't get depressed: people who've succeeded with weight loss often report that it took many attempts.

It may be time to try something new. Many dieters are reporting success with a new weight loss method, called the Eat Stop Eat method.

Essentially, this method is an intermittent form of fasting, and if you've tried many diets, this program may just break that cycle for you.

Here are three Eat Stop Eat benefits:

1. On Days when You're Not Fasting, You Can Eat Normally

This is perhaps the biggest benefit. Intermittent fasting doesn't require you to buy special diet foods, or cook special meals for yourself, and another meal for the rest of the family.

You eat normally, except on your fast days, which occur once or twice a week.

2. Quick Weight Loss Provides Inspiration and Motivation

With this program, you lose weight quickly, and this will inspire you to continue.

Unlike other diets, where you're always thinking about food, with this program you rarely need to think about food at all. On non-fast days, you eat the way you usually eat, and on fast days, you don't eat at all.

3. You Have Lots More Energy on Your Fasting Days

Feeling tired? The Eat Stop Eat program gives you more energy than you've had in months, and perhaps in years. Since your body isn't busy trying to digest food, you have energy to deal with your life.

People on the program always remark on the fact that they never expected that they would feel so well, and would be so productive while they fasted. Once you've tried it, you'll like the feeling.

One tip before you start the Eat Stop Eat method of easy weight loss: see your doctor first. This is just a precaution, and it helps to track the changes in your life too, because you'll get weighed. The next time you visit, you'll be a lot slimmer, and happier too.

Have you discovered the latest dieting sensation? The Eat Stop Eat dieting plan has been helping happy dieters to shed weight quickly and safely. Strictly speaking, Eat Stop Eat is not a diet -- it's a whole new, healthy way of managing weight loss using intermittent fasting. Try it today, and watch those pounds vanish. Nutritionist Julia Denham recommends Eat Stop Eat to her clients: read a review at

Want on-going dieting help? Julia's 30 Day Slimmer Blog at gives you inspiration, motivation, and lots of tips for your weight lost journey.

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