Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Eat Stop Eat Review - Pro and Contra
By David Stroud Platinum Quality Author

Eat Stop Eat is an online weight-loss program that is based on intermittent fasting. If you want to lose weight or get in shape you have to find a program that suits your goals or you won't succeed. This Eat Stop Eat Review is all about the pros and cons of the program.

But first of all a little explanation: The Eat Stop Eat program is a combination of short-period fasting and short weight-lifting sessions. The fasting periods are only 1 day long and you can choose when to have them as long as you do it once or twice a week. The weight-lifting sessions make sure you won't lose muscle mass because muscles are what helps you burn calories.

1. Contra Eat Stop Eat

Intermittent fasting means you have days where you don't eat much food. While it has positive effects on the human metabolism when you do it for a short time, fasting for too long would have the opposite effect. Someone who is too motivated and has more or longer fasting sessions in order to lose weight even faster could damage his own metabolism.

Eat Stop Eat is a weight-loss program. Therefore it's not the best choice if you want to build muscle mass, tone your muscles or largely increase your stamina. In this case, a bodybuilding program would be a better choice.

2. Pro Eat Stop Eat

While you are fasting on some days, you are allowed to eat whatever you want on the other days. There is no diet plan which tells you want to eat and what not to eat. In a nutshell you eat normally, stop for one day and then start eating normally again. Of course, this is no excuse to eat even more to make up for the fasting.

Although the weight-lifting sessions are necessary, they are short and easy to do. You don't have to go to gym every day or work out like in other diet and fitness programs. The Eat Stop Eat program is especially for everyone who doesn't want the whole life to change in order to lose weight.

3. My Bottom Line

In my opinion, Eat Stop Eat is the perfect weight loss program if you want concrete results without spending too much effort. You don't have to eat food you don't like or pass on your favorite meal.

If you are still unsure about Eat Stop Eat and want a more comprehensive review that goes more into detail of how it works, feel free to click here and read my complete review now.

Give Eat Stop Eat a try: I'm sure you will love it and achieve all of your goals. If you don't like it you can stop anytime. But remember: The first step is always the catchiest but losing weight is easy once you have made your decision!

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Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

I Can't Stop Eating - Help Me!
By Michael Danielson

There are not many reasons why people need eating help, and the most common by far is they feel like they can't control their eating habits. Whether they're eating too much, too fast, or simply cannot bring themselves to eat the foods they know they should, people who can't control their basic food habits aren't lacking self-control: they're lacking knowledge. They need to learn how to eat food in the way that their body intends them to. That level of eating help is too much for one small article, but I'll lay out the basics.

Listen to your Gut

Unlike modern psycho-medicinal logic would have us believe, eating is not a conscious decision made by strong- or weak-willed people, who then eat correctly or in- respectively. One need only watch a baby eat to understand: eating is a response to internal needs, not a deliberate choice. Like other involuntary responses, we can sometimes tame our eating reflex - just like we can sometimes tame our fight-or-flight response when confronted with a scare. But unlike being startled by an unexpected motion, when your body needs a nutrient, the stimulus doesn't go away just because you recognize what it is.

The knowledge you need to overcome uncontrolled eating is easy in concept, but harder in execution: you need to understand what your body is lacking, so you can find it and start eating. Help fully, our bodies come equipped with a mechanism that tells you when you are shy on a nutrient, whether it's a vitamin like tocopherol (Vitamin E) or a mineral like iron, or an enzyme like trypsin. If you find yourself hankering for something, and the hankering doesn't go away when you eat - you're eating the wrong thing. So listening to your body is part one.

Might as Well Face It, You're Addicted to Carbs

Part two is not letting your body get confused. There are thousands of addictive substances out there, from heroin to cheese, but the number one most common and hardest to overcome addiction in America is...sugar. If you are addicted to sugar - and most people are - than your uncontrollable eating may be due to that addiction rather than any actual nutritional needs. There are other foods that share this property - flour, including any and every baked good, being the second most common addiction in America.

Overcoming carbohydrate addiction is like overcoming any other addiction: it involves a period of suffering. When I went through it, it was too miserable weeks of waking up feeling tired and irritable, and literally getting the shakes whenever I thought about a doughnut or a plate of linguini. I had violent reactions at just the thought of eating. Help came in the form of a supportive wife (who had already gone through the same process) and a house devoid of sugar and floury foods. Two weeks later, I was over it, and life got much, much better.

Unless and until you break your food addictions, you won't be able to listen to your body and understand what you need. So maybe, really, part 2 should be part 1 if you look at it chronologically. Most people, once they accomplish that difficult task (on par with breaking heroin addiction according to some studies), won't need any further eating help to control their dietary habits. For the worst-case scenario, however, a significantly more in-depth form of eating help is required.

The depression/addiction cycle.

A scenario exists that requires special attention, and that is the depression/binge eating cycle. When you consume certain foods like cheese, chocolate, and highly processed floury and sugary foods, you get a kind of high. It's akin to a drug high, but less noticeable, especially if you're depressed. But like a drug high, when you crash, your body compels you to find more of what made you feel better. You need serious eating help.

This kind of scenario is usually short-lived relative to the lifespan of a human being, but it can have serious health repercussions including, on the extreme end, diabetes and heart problems. To break the cycle, you have to break the carb addiction, which can be damaging to someone who is already suffering. The same kind of dietary restriction must be applied - no sugary foods, no floury foods - but the pain can be lessened with other less addictive but still somewhat helpful foods, specifically cheese and dark chocolate.

If you are in this scenario, you need to have someone else control your access to chocolate. No more than 12 ounces per day of 60% dark (no lighter) - spread out across the day. The caffeine and the hormones in chocolate will give you a boost, but too much will make you hyper, which will result in a dangerous crash. Cheese you can snack on all day long with only one restriction - get a variety. The reason is simple: with different kinds of cheese, you will naturally eat more than if you try to binge on a single kind. You want lots, because the high from cheese isn't nearly as potent as the high from chocolate or sugar - and the protein and fat content will help you keep your energy levels stable across the day.

There are a lot of reasons to eat right - and uncontrollable eating is near the bottom of the list. (Avoiding cancer, diabetes, dementia, and other major scares of aging is toward the top.) But it's something that people really notice - and it's something that can totally be helped. If you can't stop eating, help yourself

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Stop Squeezing Your Pimples - Eat More And Get Rid Of Acne
By Guru Bhakt Platinum Quality Author

Now, have you ever bought into the belief that food causes acne ? Well, if you have, then you may be partly right. And partly wrong. Foods like coffee and others do not necessarily cause acne. If you keep guzzling gallons of coffee a day, it does not necessarily mean that you will start breaking out all over your body in no time flat...

On the other hand, you might start breaking out even if you drink only a cup of coffee once a day or so ...

You see, the cause of acne is not "out there". It is really inside you. The state your liver and other excretory organs are in may really determine how prone you are to acne.

If your liver, kidneys and colon are in peak shape, then you could possibly eat just about anything edible you want and still get away with it. You can eat junk food all day long and still have great skin. At least for a while until you damage your liver, that is

But if your liver, kidneys and colon are in horrible condition, then eating junk food may be the ticket to ill health and bad skin. Even a bit of junk food could possibly overwhelm your body's mechanisms.

So how do you deal with this ? Well, you might want to ...

Change Your Diet !

You might want to quit all junk food, dairy and meats and start eating lots of organic fresh fruits, raw vegetables and nuts. In huge quantities if you want. All day long, whenever you feel like gorging on food.

And why do that ? Because junk foods, processed foods and dairy put a lot of stress on your liver and other excretory organs. Your skin is an excretory organ too, the largest. Your liver will have to filter out all the chemicals that you ingest into your body. And after a while, it starts losing its efficiency and the wastes it could not handle will now have to be handled by your kidneys and your skin. Acne is thought to be what results when the liver is overwhelmed and a lot of the wastes are being handled by the skin. In case you have any medical conditions like diabetes, then you might want to consult your doctor regarding what natural foods you may eat.

Eat only fresh fruits, raw vegetables and nuts, drink water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices that you prepare - not the ones that come packed and loaded with preservatives. This diet will give your excretory organs some much needed rest and the ability to clear out all the accumulated wastes. In time, your liver should be performing at its peak again and you would have kissed your acne goodbye!

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