Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Eat Stop Eat Fasting Program " By Health Experts

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

The Eat Stop Eat Review - Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?
By David Stroud Platinum Quality Author

If you are reading this article you are probably searching for a way to lose weight and have heard about intermittent fasting and Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat program.

Intermittent fasting is what the Eat Stop Eat program is all about. You may have heard that fasting is dangerous and you shouldn't do it to lose weight - and that is true in some way.

Fasting keeps nutrients back from you body. Obviously our body needs those nutrients to survive and function well.

Additionally if one is fasting for too long, the metabolism will lack energy, slow down and you will achieve nothing at all. If this is true, then why should intermittent fasting work? It's because Brad Pilon's has found a way to use short periods of fasting to help you burn the fat without disturbing your metabolism.

The Eat Stop Eat program uses periods of fasting that are only 1 day long. You are flexible when to have those days and only have to do it once or twice a week in order to increase your weight-loss rate. There is no longer period of fasting.

When you are not fasting you can eat like you normally do. You do not have to eat some sort of food you actually dislike or pass on your favorite meal. Basically, all you have to do is to eat, then stop for the fasting, then continue eating again.

The Eat Stop Eat program also contains short weight-lifting sessions to make sure you keep your muscle mass. That's very important because your muscles burn the calories and less muscle mass means less weight-loss.

In my opinion, Eat Stop Eat is the perfect weight loss program if you want concrete results without spending too much effort. You don't have to eat food you don't like or pass on your favorite meal.

If you are still unsure about Eat Stop Eat and want a more comprehensive review that goes more into detail of how it works, feel free to click here and read my complete review now.

Give Eat Stop Eat a try: I'm sure you will love it and achieve all of your goals. If you don't like it you can stop anytime. But remember: The first step is always the catchiest but losing weight is easy once you have made your decision!

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Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Eat More to Lose More Weight - Stop Starving and Eat Away 7 Pounds This Week
By Reeda Keys Platinum Quality Author

Nothing is worst than feeling guilty for eating your favorite foods. Guilt has it's ways of killing fun activities like eating. You have to ask yourself "how can I eat more to lose more weight?"

I had to ask myself that many times because I was very frustrated because I continued to gain weight from eating the foods I love. The good news is, we don't have to suffer and deprived ourselves of foods we love. I've found a solution.

There's a solution to this problem.

Did you know that it's unhealthy emotionally and physically to deprived ourselves of our favorite treats and meals? Well it is.

Our body needs foods from different food groups to help boost metabolism to burn fat faster. Eating mostly fruits and vegetables and a small amount of other foods just isn't smart eating.

Trick your body into burning more fat

The only way to burn pure fat and keep it off for the long run, is to do calorie cycling. Calorie cycling is the method of eating a variety of foods so the body won't get use to just one diet.

If you are constantly eating low nutrient foods, your body will receive the signal saying that you are starving. In order to survive, your body will digest food slowly as an attempt to hold on to the food longer to survive.

Are you still asking "how can I eat more to lose more weight?" Don't stop eating the foods you love. Learn to eat in moderation to boost your fat burning furnace.

Many people are dropping the pounds fast by eating their favorite foods regularly and STILL lose 4-7 pounds a week safely with NO side effects?

Free report reveals Amazing fat burning foods that will melt off the fat fast! And 7 hidden secrets to lose weight faster. Eat More To Lose More Weight fast and safely.

Article Source:

Recommended Program

Eat Stop Eat Weight Loss Program
Losing weight does not have to be a sentence
to slavery in the gym and brutal self-punishment

Stop Eating Your Breakfast the Way You Are Doing Now, It Only Makes You Fatter - This May Shock You
By Frederik Deglande Platinum Quality Author

For most people their breakfast is only making them fatter. When I wanted to achieve my single body percentage one of the biggest mistakes I was making was not taking really care of my breakfast. Fat loss does not begin in the gym it starts from the moment you are up. Think about it if you eat the wrong kind of foods you can screw up an entire hour or even more working out. However if you know exactly what to eat and workout as well you achieve your fitness goals much faster.

5 foods that you must ban of your breakfast

1) White bread

All bread is not created equally. Due the popularity of low carb diets most people think that all bread is fattening. This is not true. The wrong kind of bread will make you gain weight but the right kind of bread helps you. Your body treat white bread the same way as it treat white sugars.

2) Cereals

Every time I see a cereal company promoting their products to help you with your weight loss or fitness goals I have a good laugh. You should avoid eating cereals that comes from a package. Just like white bread they do contain refined carbohydrates. And most of the popular cereal products are fulfilled with sugar. Eating unrefined whole grains is a totally different story. If you want to play save do not eat anything that contains white flavour. This may shock you but manufacturers remove the wheat's seed bran. Therefore more than 75 % of the vitamins and minerals are being lost. And even more worse is that 95 % of the fiber is gone.

3) Fruit juices

You should never drink fruit juices that comes from a carton. From time to time it is allowed to drink fresh natural fruit juice. But for a real fat loss plan you should eat your food as a whole. Our bodies where not designed to separate the juice from the rest of the fruit. The fiber in whole fruit helps you to slow down the blood sugar response.

4) Bacon

Bacon has become a standard in the western breakfast and it's truly a fat turning food. Together with sausages bacon is one of the worst foods you can eat. Turkey bacon or a reduced fat bacon is not a good alternative as well. Reducing fat from 90 % to 70% or even 50% is not that great. The problem is that you are eating processed foods. To say it simple you are not eating pure meat. In fact you are eating a meat product again play it save and eat chicken breast, turkey, fish and eggs. Your body will thank you for it.

5) Eating only the white part of the egg

Eggs can and must be included in your fat friendly breakfast. But you need to consume whole eggs. It is a myth that you can only eat the egg white. The yolk is actually the most nutritional part of the yolk. Never throw away the egg yolk again it is the most nutrition dense part and anti-oxidant-rich part.

Another additional but important tips is to choose only eggs that do come from organic free-rage chickens.

From now on implement these tips into your life to cook a healthy fat loss friendly breakfast

Burn fat faster with two free fat loss meal plans. They are not designed by some bookworms but by someone who walks the talk. It does not matter if you want to get rid of some fat or the latest five pounds of pure body fat choosing your foods wisely is a must.

It's true it at least seventy percent of your success comes from nutrition. Is it really worth to screw up an entire hour of hard work in the gym in less then fifteen minutes.

Get more free fat loss tips on my blog. It is jampacked with free reports, advice and articles from some of the greatest fat loss and fitness experts in the world. But be warned some of this stuff may shock you. It is the same stuff the diet and supplement industry doesn't want to give you.

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